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The Wild Women Book Club Monday is an enthusiastic collection of women who love to read and talk about books. This group meets off-site. We have just changed to a new location for our monthly meetings—La Madeline, 6410 Camp Bowie Blvd. We will have a private room at the back allowing much better communications (no music). Women will need to place their order as they come in and it will be delivered to the table. We are a noisy and fun group. Women (including visitors) are invited to join us and try it out!
Monday, September 18: When Books Went to War by Molly Guptill Manning
Facilitator: Lisa Reinhart
In-person at La Madeline on Camp Bowie, 6:00-7:30 pm
Monday, October 17: The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles
Facilitator: Happy Johns
In-person at La Madeline on Camp Bowie, 6:00-7:30
Monday, November 14 (moved up a week due to Thanksgiving): Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water and Loving the Bible Again by Rachel Held Evans
Facilitator: Zena McAdams
In-person at La Madeline on Camp Bowie, 6:00-7:30
December Christmas Party—TBD
Wild Women Book Club TUESDAY—Bea Smith, Leader
The Wild Women Book Club is a dynamic and spiritually-infused group that loves to read and discuss books. The discussions are lively and a lot of fun as well. All women (including visitors) are welcome to join us monthly! Bring a sack lunch. Coffee and water are provided.
Tuesday, September 19: The Dollhouse by Fiona Davis
Facilitator: Bea Smith
Hybrid (Zoom and in-person) at UCC, Noon-1:30 at UCC
Bring sack lunch.
Tuesday, October 18: Mudwoman by Joyce Carol Oates
Facilitator: Edie Gause
Hybrid (Zoom and in-person) at UCC, Noon-1:30 at UCC
Bring sack lunch
Tuesday, November 15: Inspired: Slaying Giants: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again by Rachel Held Evans
Facilitator: Zena McAdams
Hybrid (Zoom and in-person) at UCC, Noon-1:30 at UCC
Bring sack lunch
December Christmas Party-TBD
For more information, please email and/or call Zena McAdams. (817) 926-6631. Reminder emails are sent out a week earlier.
Keep on top of everything happening at University Christian Church.
Stay inspired and informed through our once-weekly emails.