Christmas Angels

Christmas Angels

Christmas Angels Wrap Night

Sunday, December 10 at 5pm

Make A Gift Sign up to serve

This year, we have partnered with 15 local elementary schools to distribute over 300 big red gift bags to students this December! Join us for a fun intergenerational service opportunity at t our annual Christmas Angels Wrap Night on Sunday, December 10 at 5pm. All children and youth programming will correspond with this event for the evening and childcare will be available for children under 5 years old, but they are welcome to join in the fun as well!

Volunteers are needed to set-up for the event, check-in volunteers, double check filled bags, deliver filled bags, and more.
Christmas Angels is a long-standing UCC outreach ministry made possible by faithful giving year after year. Through donations provided by our UCC family, we are able to provide hundreds of children a gift that builds confidence and encourages education and play. Monetary gifts of all amounts make an impact and are appreciated. A $100 donation provides a gift bag that gives each child a new coat, sweatshirt, jeans, shoes, underwear, outdoor toy, a book and Bible.

If you are interested in learning more, contact our Christmas Angels Ministry Chair, Kristin Harman.

History of Christmas Angels

It began in 1993 when the ‘original’ Angels, members of the Bible Discovery Sunday school class, outfitted 50 kindergarten students with brand new coats. What started out as a Sunday school class initiative, developed into relationship-building with school counselors and a church-wide mission of serving the children in our community. Since that first year and 50 coats, the Christmas Angel ministry has grown to serve 300, 400 some years 500 or more students each year!

Wrap Night arrives after FWISD students are identified and the purchasing of items has been completed. Prayers are offered and then children, youth and adults alike, work diligently to ensure that every item is placed into its respective gift bag. When the packing is done, a team of eager and willing volunteers load their cars to prepare for the drop off the next morning. When all is said and done, several hundred bags are hand delivered to the school counselors. 

One year, after the bags were delivered, the following message was received from one of those counselors, “Thank you for the delivery of the Christmas Angel gift bags. Children will have smiles on their faces when they receive them. I appreciate each and every one of the people in your group who give time and love to this project. Please share my thanks and have a wonderful Christmas season.” Her message was concise, but it speaks volumes as to what we are able to collectively achieve. 

While it is a deeply appreciated gift to those children who receive the gifts, perhaps the greater joy is ours, in being able to give these gifts to the children in our community who are identified as being in need. What an awesome way to feel God’s abundant grace through service to others. This is how we’re called to be in community with each other, and it is lived out each year in the working hands and hearts of our UCC family. For many who participate with this ministry, it is one of the greatest joys of the Advent season at UCC.