The Spirit Unleashed in the Book of Acts

The Book of Acts is one of the wildest books in the Bible. It tells stories and describes events that are so unfamiliar to our lives and experiences as people of faith. There are miraculous prison escapes, appearances by angels, ordinary people suddenly speaking in languages they’ve never learned, rousing speeches that either convince or infuriate huge crowds… and an unwavering sense of hope.

The book is exciting, because it tells a story in which anything seems possible now that the Spirit has arrived and a new day has dawned. Acts urges us to dream bigger and expect more.

Acts, if we ask the right kinds of questions, has a way of igniting our imaginations about the character of the Christian message, the work of God’s people (the church), and the challenges of living faithfully in a complex and changing world.

In this series we’ll take a deep dive into the story of the early church and the remarkable spread of the gospel from Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Today, we continue to be God’s witnesses and have a vital role in the continuing story of Jesus’s unstoppable kingdom.

Sermon Series

August 14
“You Will Be My Witnesses”
Acts 1: 1-14
August 21
God’s Rescue Plan

Acts 2: 36-41

August 28
Too Far Gone
Acts 10: 34-38
September 4
The Same Gift
Acts 11: 1-18
September 11
Saints Around The Edges

Acts 18: 1-4, 24-28

September 18
When Christians Disagree
Acts 21: 1-6
September 25
The End Is Where We Start From
Acts 28: 23-31


Download the UNSTOPPABLE Reading Plan Bookmark here


Bookmarks will be available in the church, or we can mail one to you upon request.

Weekly Worship Videos

July 21st, 2024
Latest Message
2024-07-21 | Sermon - You Feed Them |

To watch the full  Sanctuary worship service, click the button below.


Pairs Well With 

Acts | The Bible Project | Video

The book of Acts is a continuation of the Gospel of Luke, following Jesus’ followers as they go into the world to spread the good news of his Kingdom.


Acts: Catching Up with the Spirit | Matthew L. Skinner

Skinner explores six key themes that illustrate the ways in which reading Acts is capable of igniting our imagination about the character of the Christian message, the work of God’s people (the church), and the challenges of living faithfully in a complex and changing world.

Acts: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching | William H. Willimon

William Willimon combines the latest findings in Lukan scholarship with the pastoral, educational, and theological concerns of the local church to provide a new interpretation of Acts.

Acts for Everyone, Part One (The New Testament for Everyone) | N.T. Wright

Writing in an accessible and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to approach the rich and many-sided story of the book of Acts. Wright shows how the book builds on Luke’s Gospel, laying out the continuing work and teaching of the now risen and ascended Jesus in the power of the Spirit. His writing captures the vivid way in which Luke’s work draws us all into he story, while leaving the ending open and challenging, inviting Christians today to pick up and carry on the story as we in turn live our lives in the service of Jesus.


Join Shannon, Kera and Renee for weekly discussions following the Unstoppable reading plan. Each 20-minute episode is available on Facebook, YouTube, UCC website and podcast. New episodes posted weekly on Sunday mornings at 10 am.

Formation Video 
Formation Podcast


Click Here for Fall 2022 Classes

Participants will meet weekly to discuss and explore that week’s daily readings. All ages are welcome!

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See how TEN:10 Worship is discussing the UNSTOPPABLE series.


Family Ministries

Every child is perfectly created by God, loved by God, and can share God’s love in the world! We help your family create this foundation of faith by engaging sacred scripture, hands-on experiential learning for children, and family resources.