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Creation Care Ministry informs and encourages church policies for recycling and sustainable, efficient energy use: placement of recycling containers throughout the building; use of energy efficient lighting; green cleaning products; use of china instead of disposables at church events; use of programmable thermostats; and purchasing 10% of electricity by wind power.
To solve a muddy run-off problem at the corner of the Cantey/Rogers street UCC parking lot, a Xeriscape garden was created and now contains a variety of Texas-acclimated plants which do not require supplemental watering.
Every year, CC encourages participation in Earth Stewardship Sunday, which has included a worship theme focused on God’s good earth and after worship events such as meals with local produce, a butterfly release, dedication of the peace pole and providing interactive activities to help inform the congregation of ways to make a difference.
Learn more here.Keep on top of everything happening at University Christian Church.
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